Terms & Conditions

Buy & Get

  1. Having previously determined that is referred to as "Website" or "Service", the website https://buyandgetXXX and all its pages
  2. Is designated as "Editor", the entity Overseas Invest Logistics is responsible for the content and the editing of the website buyandget.shop
  3. "User" means the Internet user who visits and uses the Website and its services
  4. These General Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "GTUs") are proposed by the Publisher of the Website. The Website User is advised to read these GTUs carefully and to save them on a durable medium. The User acknowledges having read the GTCs and accepts them fully and unreservedly.

Article 1: Subject and application

The purpose of these GTUs is to define the conditions of access to the Website by Users. 

The Publisher reserves the right to amend the GTC at any time by publishing a new version of the GCS on the Website. The GTUs applicable to the User are those in force on the day of acceptance. The General Terms of Use must be accepted by any User. Access to the website means acceptance of the general conditions of use.

Every User has free and free access to the Website. The acquisition of a product or service, the creation of a member space or, more generally, the navigation on the Website presupposes the acceptance by the User of all these GTUs. The User also acknowledges that he has taken full knowledge of it.

This acceptance may consist, for example, for the User, of checking the box corresponding to the phrase of acceptance of these GTC, having for example the statement "I acknowledge having read and accepted all the general conditions of the Website". The check box will be deemed to have the same value as a handwritten signature by the User. The User acknowledges the proof value of the Publisher's automatic recording systems and, unless he or she proves otherwise, waives the right to challenge them in the event of a dispute.

The acceptance of these GTUs implies that the Users have the necessary legal capacity to do so. If the User is a minor or has no legal capacity, he or she declares to have the authorization of a guardian, guardian or legal representative. 

Article 2: Legal notices

This Website is published by Overseas Invest Logistics. The legal information concerning the host and the Website Publisher, including contact details and any registration information, is provided in the legal notices of this Website. Information about the collection and processing of personal data is provided in the Privacy Policy of the Website. The purpose of this Website is defined as "Promotion and sale of consumer goods online".

Article 3: Access to the website

The Publisher makes every effort to ensure the continuous accessibility of the Website, subject to maintenance operations for the Website or the servers on which it is hosted. In the event of the impossibility of accessing the Website, due to technical problems or of any kind, the User will not be able to claim damages and may not claim any compensation. Access to member-specific services is made using an ID and password. For maintenance or other reasons, access to the website may be interrupted or suspended by the publisher without notice or justification. 

The Website Publisher is only bound by an obligation of means; its liability cannot be engaged for any damage resulting from the use of the Internet network such as data loss, intrusion, virus, service breakdown or other. The User expressly accepts to use the Website at his own risk and under his sole responsibility.

The Website provides the User with information as an indication, with any imperfections, errors, omissions, inaccuracies and other ambivalences that may exist. Under no circumstances shall the Publisher be liable for: Any direct or indirect damage, including loss of profits, lack of profit, loss of customers or data that may result, inter alia, from the use of the Website, or the impossibility of its use;

Any malfunction, any unavailability of access, any misuse, any incorrect configuration of the User's computer, or the use of a browser little used by the User;

Article 4: Data collection

For the creation of the User's account, the collection of information at the time of registration on the website is necessary and mandatory. 

In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 20/017 of 25 November 2020 on Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies, the collection and processing of personal information is carried out with respect for privacy. The User has the right to access, rectify, delete and object to his personal data.

Article 5: Intellectual property

All elements of this Website belong to the Publisher or a third-party representative, or are used by the publisher on the Website with the permission of their owner. 

Any representation, reproduction or adaptation of logos, textual, pictographic or video contents, without such listing being limitative, is strictly prohibited and constitutes counterfeiting. Any User who becomes guilty of counterfeiting would be liable to see his access to the website deleted without notice or compensation and without that such exclusion could constitute him of any harm, without reservation of possible subsequent legal proceedings against him, at the initiative of the Publisher or his representative.

The trademarks and logos contained in the Website may be registered by the Publisher or possibly by one of its partners. Any person who performs their representations, reproductions, imbrications, disseminations and retransmissions shall be subject to the penalties provided for in article 97 of Ordinance-Law No. 86-033 of 5 April 1986 on the protection of copyright and related rights.

Article 6: Liability

The Publisher is not responsible for the User's publications, their content or their veracity. Under no circumstances can the Publisher be held responsible for any damage that may occur to the User's computer system and/or the loss of data resulting from the use of the Website by the User. The Publisher undertakes to constantly update the content of the Website and to provide users with accurate, clear, accurate and up-to-date information. The Website is in principle accessible continuously, except during technical maintenance and content updating operations. The Publisher shall not be liable for damages resulting from the unavailability of the Website or parts thereof.

The Website Publisher shall not be liable for technical unavailability of the connection, whether due in particular to a case of force majeure, maintenance, updating, modification of the Website, intervention by the host, internal or external strike, network failure, or power outage. The Publisher shall not be held responsible for the non-functioning, inability to access or malfunction of the Website due to inappropriate equipment, to the improper configuration or use of the User's computer, to malfunctions of the services of the user's access provider, or to those of the Internet network.

Article 7: Hyperlinks

The Website may include hyperlinks to other websites. The User therefore acknowledges that the Publisher shall not be held responsible for any damages or losses proven or alleged, resulting from or in connection with the use or access to the content, advertisements, products or services available on such websites or external sources. Similarly, the Publisher of this Website shall not be liable if the User's visit to one of these websites causes him or her harm. 

If, despite the efforts of the Publisher, one of the hypertext links on the Website pointed to a website or Internet source whose content was or appeared to be not in accordance with the requirements of French law to a User, the User undertakes to immediately contact the Director of publication of the Website, whose contact details are contained in the legal notices of the Website, in order to communicate to him the address of the pages of the third party website in question.

Article 8: Cookies

When visiting the website, the automatic installation of a cookie on the User's browser software may occur.

A "Cookie" may allow the identification of the User of the Website, the personalisation of his/her visit to the Website and the acceleration of displaying the Website through the storage of a data file on his or her computer. The Website may use "Cookies" primarily to: Obtain browsing statistics in order to improve the User's experience;

Allow access to a member account and content that is not accessible without logging in. 

The User acknowledges that he is aware of this practice and authorizes the Website Publisher to use it. The Publisher undertakes never to communicate the contents of these "Cookies" to third parties, except in cases of legal requirement. The User may refuse the storage of "Cookies" or configure his browser to be notified prior to accepting the "cookies".

Article 9: Independence of clauses

If a provision of the GTC is found to be unlawful, void or for any other reason unenforceable, then that provision will be deemed to be divisible from GTC and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions. 

GTUs replace all previous or contemporary written or oral agreements. They are not transferable, transferable or sub-licensable by the User himself. A printed version of the GTC and all notices given in electronic form may be requested in judicial or administrative proceedings relating to GTC. 

The parties agree that all correspondence relating to these GTUs shall be in the French language.

Article 10: Contract duration

This contract is valid for an indefinite period. The commencement of the use of the services of the website marks the implementation of the contract with respect to the User.

Article 11: Applicable law and jurisdiction

These GTUs are governed and governed by the law of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

 Except for provisions of public order, any disputes that may arise in connection with the implementation of these GTUs may be subject to the discretion of the Website Publisher for an amicable settlement prior to any legal action. 

It is expressly recalled that requests for an amicable settlement do not suspend the deadlines opened for the initiation of legal proceedings. Unless otherwise publicly provided, any legal action relating to the enforcement of these GTUs shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the place of residence of the defendant.

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